Why Choose a Lender That Requires Less Cash to Close? Some real estate investors have an abundance of cash, while others are cash poor with a healthy income. Still other potential investors may be both cash and income poor. Within each of these various financial situations are several other variables…
Real Estate Investment Tips
THE BORROWER’S TEN COMMANDMENTS Thinking about breaking one of the Borrower’s Ten Commandments? It’s not a good idea. You’ll find that lenders will not easily absolve you of the borrowing sins listed below. You may even find yourself in credit purgatory for several years if you have repeated transgressions. Avoid…
The Speed of a Draw Release From Your Lender Matters. Do You Know Why? Choosing the right lender to fund your house flip can be a make-or-break decision. Successful real estate investors know not to take this decision lightly. Making a smart choice involves getting potential lenders on the phone…
What are Home Buyers Looking for in a Property? What are people really looking for in a property today? It seems to depend largely on the age and generation of the home buyers. Let’s look at the major age brackets of buyers that make up the housing market and consider…
Why Some Houses Don’t Sell Some houses stay on the market way too long. Why don’t these houses sell?! This question is something you can ask yourself retrospectively in desperation, or you can ask it in a proactive manner as you plan the details of your house flip. Some small…
Kitchen Cabinets Guide for House Flippers We all know that there is no better way to make money than to take matters into your own hands and create your own opportunity. Instead of riding the wave of the economy, hoping someone will hire you at the wage you desire, more…
What is Home Staging? Home Staging is at its foundation the basic economic principle of improving upon a product thereby attracting more buyers which increases its selling price. If you go to the store to purchase a product you are most likely to pay retail when the product is packaged…
Buying a HUD Home as an Investor What is a HUD Home? You may be asking, “What is a HUD home?” A HUD home is a home being sold by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, also known as HUD. HUD is the insurer of mortgages to…
What is Underwriting? Underwriting is the process of evaluating a borrower’s credit, income, assets, and collateral to determine the creditworthiness of a borrower. As the underwriter for Rehab Financial Group, LP, I make sure the borrower has the ability to repay their loan with a minimum risk of default. Is…
How to Invest in Rental Properties It’s as important as ever for real estate investors to consider adding rental properties to their portfolios. Most of you reading this are probably sticking to the “buy-rehab-sell” house flipping technique, which is a lucrative strategy, but smart investors in any industry will tell…