How Much Cash Do I Need to Bring to My Loan Closing? Closing on a loan to purchase a fix-and-flip house can be a very stressful time. There are many details you will need to be ready to handle in a short time, including making sure you have the liquid…
RFG to the Rescue: We’re There When You Need Us In an ideal world, you’d be prepared for any situation and all of the pieces to your project would fall into place right when you need them to. If you know anything about flipping a house or mortgage lending, however,…
Private Lending vs Real Estate Crowdfunding: Which is Best For You? We are getting a lot of questions from both our customers and our investors about crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is quickly becoming a player in real estate lending even though many people in the business do not fully understand it yet….
10 Tips on How to Hire a Contractor for your House Flip Not big on DIY? Thats ok! A reliable contractor can do the difficult work for you. Even if you are handy, it’s still important to know when to hire a licensed professional for some renovations. Their skills and…
Housing Market Predictions and Data from RFG 2015 Was Good; 2016 Could be Great! The real estate industry seems to be on the rise again — this time in a much more sustainable way. The past year was a prosperous time for companies in the residential real estate industry. This…
We’re Thankful for YOU In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we at Rehab Financial Group want to share all of the blessings that have made our company successful. Most important on our list is our wonderful group of customers who transform distressed properties into beautiful homes across the country. We love…
Rehab Lending Terms and Definitions [Quiz] Every day we talk to people about our loan products using words like, points, interest rate, prepayment fees, and underwriting. Rarely does anyone ask us what these terms mean, but at some point during the loan process, we realize they do not know the…
All-cash offers: You better have the $$$ to back it up! An all-cash offer means the buyer is paying in full with his own cash, not money borrowed from any source. We are surprised how many agreements of sale come to Rehab Financial Group from borrowers who make cash offers…
Do You Want to be a Guest Blogger? Tell us about your experience with Rehab Financial Group. Have you had an experience with us that you would like to share? Would you like to write a blog about not only your interaction with RFG, but also about your rehab project?…
Navigating a Foreclosure Purchase Buying a foreclosed property may be a great way of getting a property that is well priced, but it can be a lot more difficult than buying from an individual seller. Foreclosed properties may be rundown and have deferred maintenance issues, and in some cases, many…